If you have any questions, please contact our School Nurse at 281-446-8535.
Immunization Requirements:
3 and 4 year olds:
Polio – 3 doses
DTP/DTaP – 4 doses
MMR – 1 dose on or after 1st birthday
HIB – 1 dose on or after 15 months unless a primary series and booster was completed prior to, or at, 15 months of age.
Hepatitis A – 2 doses
PCV7 - 2 doses
*It is recommended that DPT/Polio and 2nd MMR be given as soon as possible after the 4th birthday. They are required by the 5th birthday. Varicella – 1 dose if born after September 2, 1994.
5 and 6 year olds:
Polio – 3 doses with one on or after the 4th birthday.
DTP/DTaP/TD – 4 doses with one on or after the 4th birthday.
MMR – 2 doses – first given on or after the 1st birthday and second given no sooner than 28 days from the first doses.
HEPITITIS B – 3 doses
Varicella – 1 dose
7 Year olds:
Polio – 3 doses with one on or after the 4th birthday.
DTP/DTaP/TD – 3 doses any combination with one received on or after the fourth birthday.
MMR – 2 doses – first dose given on or after the first birthday and second dose no sooner than 28 days from the first dose.
HEPITITIS B – 3 doses if born after September 2, 1992. It is recommended for all students.
Varicella – 1 dose if born after September 2, 1994.
Middle School requirements are:
DTP/DTaP – 3 doses (any combination) with one dose on or after the fourth birthday and within the last ten years.
Polio – 3 doses with one dose after the fourth birthday.
MMR – 1 dose on or after the first birthday and a second dose by the 12th birthday if born between September 1, 1978, and before September 1, 1991.
Hepatitis B – 3 doses.
Varicella – 1 dose if born before September 2, 1994.